Friday, September 6, 2024


I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned the issues I am having with my back. This started earlier this year and I had x-rays taken of my back. I have mild osteoarthritis of the bilateral hip and sacroiliac joints. The pain I feel is only on my right side. 

I had talked to my rheumatologist about it and I got a few shots on my right side. Well those shots only last about 3 to 4 months so the pain has come back. I did go to physical therapy for 10 weeks and I currently do the exercises at home. 

I had 2 doctors appointments yesterday. One being my primary doctor and one with my rheumatologist for my second gel injection in my right knee. I have one more next week. Anyway, my primary doctor wants me to see a pain management doctor and my other doctor mentioned that on one of my visits recently. 

On one hand I don't want to keep getting injections because because I worry about the effect over time. My primary doctor yesterday assured me that if I did that 3 times a year it would be safe. 

So I talked to my rheumatologist too about it yesterday. I asked him why he thought I should see the pain management doctor. He said because he can't do one for the spine which he thinks could work even better. The other shot worked for several months so why not stick with that one.

Sorry to go on and on but there is a point to this. So according to the nurse who processed the referral, she said to call right away because they are currently booked out for a few months. I don't want to wait a few months. 

I will still make the appointment and go talk to the person and then set up an appointment a few months later to do the shot in the spine after the other one wears off. So hopefully this will all work out. 

On Wednesday I woke up feeling horrible. Muscle and bone pain everywhere. I had to call off on my first day of bowling for the season. Then on Thursday I felt even worse and Mark ended up driving me to those two above mentioned appointments. 

I love bowling. I have been bowling for 34 years now. It started when we moved into our new house in Fontana, CA and I met someone through PTA who asked me to join her. It was wonderful. The bowling alley was about 20 minutes from our house. About 2 or 3 years ago the league fizzled out. A few of the teams, including mine, moved to another bowling alley about 30 minutes from the house. 

However, 17 years ago we moved to the house we currently live in which has been a 45 minute drive to the bowling alley. I have to leave an hour before bowling starts because of the traffic. The drive has been wearing on me. It was nice to be off this summer. However, having social interactions is also good for me.

So yesterday I mention to my primary doctor that I had missed bowling on Wednesday because of the body aches I was having. He said "You can't bowl anymore!" It's my right side that is affected and continuing would just make it worse. What am I supposed to do? This is breaking my heart. 

{P.S. Yesterday my primary doctor prescribed a pill for me to take one hour before bed for a week. Then if I'm still in a lot of pain I could take 1 twice a day. I've also had issues with sleeping because of my back and this should also help me sleep. I woke up this morning feeling a lot better. What to do! What if all I would need are these pills and not injections?} 

Thank you for listening. Have a great weekend. 

Also, I am so far behind in reading blogs because of feeling so sick that I may not get around to everyone who does Wednesday's Hodgepodge.


Susan said...

Hi Debby, I am sorry you are having back pain and I do understand. I just wrote about something similar at my blog. I haven't been able to bowl for years because of injuries. Socialization is important I will keep you in prayer.

My Shasta Home said...

I am cannot ride a bike anymore due to blown discs in my lower back. It’s the repetition that causes the inflammation. I understand how important socializing is important as we get older, can you journey into safer-for-your-body- types of socialization?
Will say a prayer for you. 🙏🏻

Sparky said...

Gosh, if it's not one thing, it's two others. So sorry to hear about all your troubles. Ok, this is a long shot but I was once in a lot of pain too for various reasons (hard work, auto accident, surgeries, etc.). Try giving up sugar / carb's like I did? When feeling better start doing stretching exercises not weightlifting or anything strenuous. It takes awhile to help or work. My pain slowly went away. Now I seldom need med's. The shots darn near disabled me as it 'tis. I still have permanent nerve damage where the Doc's gave me so many shots. I can't imagine what all those med's did to my insides. Anyway, it's something I'm led to share. Worked for me. Hope it works for you. Get well soon! Blessings & Prayers 💙

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Oh, Debby, I'm so very sorry to hear about the chronic pain you've been dealing with and that you have to try to make the right choices for you in treating it. And having to give up activities we love because of that pain just adds insult to injury, literally. I will definitely add you to my prayer list. May God heal you and soon!

Cathy said...

Praying for you for healing and wisdom to know what to do.

Jennifer said...

Debby - how disappointing to have to give up your bowling! I can't bowl a lick but I now many who really enjoy it. I am surprised that you have been able to continue to bowl with all your pain (you must really like your bowling!) and hope you can find a way to still enjoy time with your team at the alley! And that you can get some pain relief soon!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am so sorry to hear of all the back pain you are having and also that now you must give up bowling. I can imagine how disappointing that is for you, especially as you have good friends there. I hope the Doctors can arrive at a plan that will really work for you and give you the relief you need without causing you more side effects. I've had back surgery and neck surgery and now am starting to get a lot of back/hip pain, mostly at night and when I wake up. If I could stand to keep moving all day it wouldn't hurt so much, but sitting any length of time makes it worse. I am debating on what to do next, but in the meantime we try to stay as active as possible because they say "motion is lotion" for your joints. I do believe that, but there is a limit as to how much motion you can stand. I will be praying for you to find some reasonable solutions. (((hugs)))

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am sad to hear you are dealing with pain. It is not fun at all.
If I were you I would still go to the alley just for the socialization, at east for a while. Meanwhile you can explore other options close to your house.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I agree with the previous comments. I too was so sorry to read you are having such difficulties and now having to give up the bowling. I can see where that movement would aggravate your condition though. Sparky is right about the sugar and carbs. I have found that when I overeat especially sweets, my pain issues are worse. The one thing that is helping me is my inversion table. It stretches and decompresses the nerves in my back which relieves the pain. You might talk to your doctor about that. It is a last resort for me so I'm so grateful I get relief from using it several times a day. Praying for answers and relief for you.

Mevely317 said...

Oh Debby! I'm so sorry your pain is interferring with those things you love. Tom's situation sounds a lot like yours; we're to see his VA primary doc in a few weeks and pray they can address his pain. Please continue to keep us updated. One never knows if someone else's experience and/or results might not benefit them. Meanwhile, if you don't mind, I'll add your name to our Bible study prayer list.

Ann said...

So sorry to hear about all the back pain. Never fun and even worse if it starts interfering with being able to do things you enjoy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My first thought was to go to bowling and just socialize, but with adding sitting that long and 2 hours of driving that will not work. riding long distances is bad for pain too. I am glad you said something about bowling, it is a lot better to give up bowling than taking pills or shots. so sorry you must give it up, I know how much you enjoy it. ditto what Ann says. I fully understand missing the social part

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Debby - I am so sorry. I know you have loved to bowl and have for many years. I hate that for you. I don't know why things like this happen. Can you go and just visit - even if it is a long drive?

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Pain is horrible and we don't like it, so I feel for you with the pain in my knees and left shoulder, why our bodies act up and suffer pain isn't known by me all I know is I don't like it

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, Sending a BIG HUG! Please keep us updated.

photowannabe said...

I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble with your back. Prayers on their way for you. To have to give up bowling must be so hard. I hope there is a better answer for you.
I thought I had commented on this post but apparently not..ahhhh senior moments.

Cindy said...

Debby, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'll pray there is an easier solution to your pain management. I had a dear friend who bowled into his 80's. He had to stop due to too much hip pain and I asked him if he wanted to just go hang out at the bowling alley but he said it was too hard to just sit and watch. :( I pray you're able to get back to bowling soon!

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