Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. What's the best $5 gift to give someone? 

I'm drawing a blank but maybe a Starbuck gift card. 

2. What's your favorite way to relax/unwind during the busy holiday season? 

Most likely watching a Christmas movie or the Hallmark Christmas movies along with a glass of wine.

3. How do you feel about gingerbread? Love it or no thanks? Are gingerbread houses a part of your holiday tradition? If you said yes, how does that look? Do you like ginger flavor in other kinds of dishes? 

I like gingerbread but rarely have it. Yes, since James was old enough, him and I decorate a ready made gingerbread house each year. I would say no to using ginger flavor. 

December 2021
December 2022
December 2023

4. December 5th is National Blue Jeans Day...will you be celebrating? Do you have a favorite brand? A favorite pair? Do you have a hard time parting with a favorite pair of jeans? Blue jeans-joggers-leggings-yoga pants...which one do you wear most often? 

If I'm going out of the house I would probably be wearing blue jeans. I actually wear a stretch pull on leggings jean. I buy them from Women Within. I can't say I ever had a favorite but I just can't wear a regular jean anymore. 

5. As we head into this holiday season what's your biggest priority or goal for the end of the year? 

I have a lot of goals to reach and at this time they are not happening. I'm in a very sad place. If you saw on Facebook I have a lung infection. I'm on my second dose of medications. I usually get one after Christmas because of all the work I do decorating. This is throwing me way off because I get winded quickly. 

I also have something wrong with my ankle. My right ankle gets a steroid shot a few times a year for a pain that I get. After the shot, within three days it is gone. That didn't happen with the shot I got 3 weeks ago. I have something I have never experienced before, extreme pain on the side and up the tendon at the back of the ankle. As I type this I am going to go to urgent care today. I can walk with an ankle brace on but I'm in constant pain. 

I tried working on decorations and I accomplished some but I just can't stand for a long time. I really doubt that my tree will go up this year and you can only begin to imagine how sad I am. Christmas is my thing! 

I still have cards to get out and gifts which need to be mailed which I know I should be able to accomplish but the house is not going to be decorated much at all. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Our one section of Bird of Paradise is going crazy this year. 

FYI: We will be watching James and the dogs over at Adam and Gabby's Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I will most likely not be reading many blog posts. Thank you for understanding. I actually plan on working on my Christmas cards while James is at school on Friday. 

My Chromebook, which I love, it out of date and I cannot get into Feedly anymore where I read the blogs. I can still read them on my big Toshiba computer but I don't travel with that one. Hopefully I will be getting a new Chromebook soon. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Amazon and Walmart still have killer sales on Chromebooks, Jackie got one for 139 dollars, it doesn't have a touchscreen but she doesn't use one.
sorry you are I'll and your ankle is hurting. Hope the ER can help or did help when you went. Love Gingerbread but has been many years since I had any. like when I still lived at home where other cooked it.
I don't wear jeans, have one pair of stretch ones, I live in leggings, yesterday wore leggings with Santa flamingos to my doctor appt. doc said I like you leggings, I said 80 is to old to wear santa flamingos, she pulled her long doctor coat aside and said Look what I have on, and laughed. she had on space leggings, like stars and moons and galaxy stuff.

Ann said...

Hard to find many gifts for $5 but I would have to go with candy.
I love gingerbread but I have never made a gingerbread house.
So sorry to hear about the pain in your ankle. Im in the same place with decorating only it's more my mood that is keeping me from doing it. I got a start but I'm way behind where I should be by now. I still haven't finished my cards yet either.

Chatty Crone said...

For $5 I think I would go to the Dollar Store and buy some candy.
Starbucks is good too. I like your gingerbread houses. Lots of good ideas to decorate them. I shop WW - I would love to know what specific jeans you bought - I cannot find any comfortable jeans. :( I hate you got another lung infection. Do you think it is the dust from getting the Christmas out? And your ankle. Gosh getting older is painful.
Love you and take it easy!

Mevely317 said...

I love your gingerbread house pictures, Debby! Having a little person nearby to help makes all the difference.
I'm so sorry you're experiencing this significant pain. Still praying for relief ... and NO guilt if you can't get everything accomplished like you hoped. Please.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, I love that you have started this tradition with James creating a Gingerbread House. :-)
Sending a big HUG... it is not fun to be in pain.
Love, Carla

Susan said...

Hi Debby, I am sorry you are in pain and have a lung infection. I really like your houses and I get James loves doing his. I know how much you like Christmas and how hard it must be not to be able fix your tree. I love my laptop and I hope Santa bring you one for Christmas!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Maybe Santa will bring you a new Chromebook for Christmas, Debby. :) So sorry about the lung problems and the persistent ache in your ankle and sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Just take your time and enjoy being with James over the next couple of days. Blessings!

Joyce said...

I saw your prayer request on FB and have you in my prayers. I have not had a lot of time to comment. I think it's okay to give yourself permission to do much less in terms of decorating. Take some of that off your plate and know it will be okay. Some years are harder than others and yours has been difficult in terms of health. Focus on healing and rest and time with your sweet grandson. I hope you find relief for your ankle pain soon as I know that is discouraging. Take care.

ellen b. said...

Debby, so sorry that you have a lung infection right now. I hope the medication will kick in and knock it out! I love the frosted mini wheats for the roof on that gingerbread house! Fun. Enjoy your time watching James.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh, Debby, I'm so sorry about the lung infection and your ankle. I'm careful (as much as one can be) with my lungs, as I had an infection as an infant that scarred them. So far, it's not been an issue, and I've not ever had to take any medications, but when it gets cold out, I feel it in my lungs.
Your gingerbread house is adorable. Glad you're able to do this with James.

Allstarme79 said...

Love your plant! Those always remind me of growing up in South Florida. Hope your health woes clear up soon! said...

I like your traditions of gingerbread houses. I am back to making them each year too. I am praying that your ankle and foot pain goes away. I had the fourth foot and ankle surgery yesterday. I couldn't stand the pain. I am on a non-weight bearing protocol with a knee scoot for 6 weeks. Rest and elevate as much as you can.

Faith said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes that salad recipe is a keeper for sure. I'm not sure what's going on with you and the ankle but I felt led to pray for you today so I did and I pray you get some solid answers soon along with proper fixes whether it's meds, surgery or just a good chiropractor. I've had pain in head and upper back daily from March 2022-June 2024 and I finally got a proper diagnoses from a headache neurologist and my chiropractor. It's not something curable but i don't take pain meds or any kind of RX. I'm mostly pain free now due to supplements, stretches and an amazing Chiropractor. She even got rid of my plantar fasciitis in my foot 10 yrs ago after a doctor told me it would never be pain free!! it only took 3 visits and daily stretches for 2 weeks.

I love ginger and use if often when I cook Tofu dishes or Asian dishes. My girls used to do gingerbread houses when they were little...with their grandmothers. those are fun days. Enjoy your holiday and don't worry about the house!!

Faith said...

Hi Debby: I saw your comment with your email address but I'm sorry...i don't give out my email address anymore to people in blogland. Feel free to comment on any of the posts!! I do check comments throughout the week. Have a blessed week! I hope you foot is doing better.

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