2. Tell us about the last time or a recent time you were caught up in red tape. Does it send your frustration level off the charts or is it something you've come to expect when dealing with any sort of bureaucracy?
I was going to say I didn't have an answer for this one but I think I will go with the length of time I have to wait to see doctor's. Two issues that I am in pain with and the appointments are not until March!
3. Do you eat/like fish? Do you cook fish at home? What's your favorite fish dish? Ever been ice fishing?
I eat salmon. I do make salmon at home in the oven. The favorite thing about it is that I take smashed avocados mixed with salsa which we put on top of our salmon when it comes out of the oven. No, I have never been ice fishing.
4. Did you watch any of the US President's Inauguration coverage on Monday, Jan 20? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not at all and 10 being very very) how interested are you in politics in general? Do you follow/keep up with/ get involved with local politics?
Yes, I watched. I would say an 8. I will probably be more interested in politics now with President Trump in office. No, I do not get involved with local politics.
5. What's the coziest thing you own and what makes it so?
I don't have anything that stands out. I like sitting in my leather chair with the matching hassock, in our family room, with a blanket on watching TV.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
James went to the dentist last week. He actually likes going, but that of course is probably because he hasn't had any cavities yet. Adam and Gabby definitely make sure he brushes his teeth every day.
Aw, happy birthday to all! And James is a very handsome little guy. I agree, doctor visits are Full of red tape!! I had to wait almost 2 months to be scanned for a blood clot! Good thing I didn’t have one! lol I enjoyed the inauguration a lot. It was happy and very entertaining!
my first winter in Kentucky, 1953, wow. snow, 2 foot long icicles, frozen creeks, we loved it, first ever sighting, 1959 we left and I have not missed what I first loved. your MIL look fantastic, for any age. red tape of bob's son dying while in nursing home was a pain, for me not bob. anything that involves red tape makes me crazy. you are right about doc visits and all that is involved.
the good old days was family doc who did it all.
forgot to say, your choice of favorite winter is the best kind of all
What a memory of bringing Adam home from the hospital. That is a lot of snow!!!
I think I am an 8 regarding politics as well, I followed more of the world politics when Sam was deployed to Djibouti.
Your mother in law looks great!!!
Love, Carla
Brr that must have been a cold day when you brought Adam home.
Your MIL looks amazing, Debby! And, can James get any cuter? Love that pose! I'm lifting prayers that your pain levels subside soon.
The salmon sounds good. My Mom never cooked it so I guess I grew up not eating it or wanting to eat fish.
Nice pictures of the birthday girl! Happy 97th!
Your MIL looks amazing! 97 is a great milestone. Wow...
I guess my best winter memory is our wedding day January 31, 1964... way back in the Dark Ages !! Coming up on 61 years...how can that be?
I do like a lot of fish but my favorite is shrimp and maybe a fresh caught trout pan fried..haven't had it for years. Oh yes, when Dave and I did a trade show in New Orleans, the Decorators put on an old fashion fish fry for the company we worked for. We had fresh caught that morning...red fish and crawdads and plenty of other things. It was the very best I have ever had..what a wonderful memory you brought up with this question.
Adam was a nice winter gift. Those dr appointments are with red tape. I was to get an MRI today and because of ice in Atlanta they canceled - now I have to wait two weeks. Avocado on the fish sounds good. I am not a big fish eater, and I don't cook it.
I bet your chair area is a wonderful place.
James is brave to go to the dentist.
Happy birthday to your MIL - she looks GREAT!
97 years young! Wow, your MIL looks fantastic, Debby. Yes, it's so hard to get doctor appointments in this day and age. I hope and pray everything works out well for you, my friend. Blessings!
Hi Debby, Your salmon sounds delicious! Happy Birthday to your son and MIL. I am sorry you have to wait so long for your appointment. Specialty appointments always seem to take longer. I saw the orthopedic for my thumb on the 15th and got my referral for PT yesterday. Yea for James and no cavities!
Wow, she's a great looking 97 year old. Ugh, for having to wait for those doctor appointments. Adam was born a day after our son Josh. Your birthday time and dinner out sounded nice. Good for James for enjoying his dentist appointments.
I love avocado.
James truly is a bright light, isn’t he? So handsome and has a beautiful smile.
Your mother in law looks well at 97. That is amazing.
My husband has had to wait months for tests through the VA in the past that frustrated me more than him but it’s getting better.
Happy birthday to your mother in law. I would never guess she was 97. Love the picture of James at the dentist.
Happy birthday to your mother-in-law! She looks wonderful! I'm sorry you have such a long wait for an appointment. Maybe there will be a cancellation and you can get in sooner. 20 inches of snow is crazy! What a memorable day!
Your mother in-law looks bloody good for her age, I can't imagine that much snow but then it doesn't snow where I live
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