Sunday, February 20, 2011


Only Parent Chronicles


Deb said...

sounds like a fun family time...enjoy yourself...

Anonymous said...

Oh no I hope your sister recovers soon. That is horrible:( Was the movie Life as We Know It? I wanna see it. Hope you enjoy your time there, so nice seeing family.

Mary said...

Have a good time and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about us...we're not going anywhere!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Glad you got down there ok. Have a good time.

secret agent woman said...

Once I left my cell phone in a rental car and had to walk all over the bloody airport to find a pay phone, with no luck. Ultimately, I had to ask to use the phone of the ticket agent!

Karen Mortensen said...

Have a great time with your family. I know what you mean about the phone. Why can't someone invent one that doesn't need to be charged?

Hilary said...

I hope your sister has a speedy recovery. I just returned from FL too. I had some similar (but different) phone drama in the airport (I will post next week) and had to use a pay phone in the airport (I didn't even know they still had them).

purejoy said...

yikes slipping on water sounds awful. in a public bathroom… even WORSE!
don't know what kind of cell provider you have but some of them will swap out your battery for free.
good thing you had his cell phone number. i would have spent the week at the airport if that was me. :(
hope you have a fun time anyway… sorry about your sister. hope she's feeling better and you have fun together anyway! (borrow a wheel chair for the day!)

Beth W said...

Yikes, I hope the rest of the vacation goes more smoothly!

Your cell phone is constantly searching for service when you're in flight, which drains the battery rapidly. Best always to turn it off, or put it on "Airplane Mode", which will stop that from happening.

Technodoll said...

Oh dear Lord Debby, you're so busy! And everything seems to happen to you and to your family! Glad to know you're ok though, you are missed but please try to enjoy the rest of your trip! ;-)

Kerri said...

hope shes ok!
mmm pizza! i have to know where u order it from?! when u have rush!

hope u have a good trip and hopefully its better on the way back

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What a cute entry! But, so hope your sister doesn't have any lasting effects from her fall. That's sort of scary.

Enjoy your visit and make a lot of memories. We'll be right here when you get back. :o)

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Sorry you had such a crummy time with the flight :-(
Glad you made it safe & sound and I hope you have a great time. LOVE THE POLKaDOTS!

Laura said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe that about your phone!!! I would go to your carrier and complain like crazy!!! That is my worst nightmare! When we pick up fam from the airport I go and just wait in the parking lot until I get the call to come and pick them up so we'd be in big trouble in our phones went out! I am sorry about your sister- but glad that you made it safe and sound. My folks are in FL and said the weather was lovely... here in MI we just got another nasty snow storm... Jeff told the kids if they want to move south when they're older, we'll follow them!!! ;-)
Have fun!

Laura said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe that about your phone!!! I would go to your carrier and complain like crazy!!! That is my worst nightmare! When we pick up fam from the airport I go and just wait in the parking lot until I get the call to come and pick them up so we'd be in big trouble in our phones went out! I am sorry about your sister- but glad that you made it safe and sound. My folks are in FL and said the weather was lovely... here in MI we just got another nasty snow storm... Jeff told the kids if they want to move south when they're older, we'll follow them!!! ;-)
Have fun!

Laura said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe that about your phone!!! I would go to your carrier and complain like crazy!!! That is my worst nightmare! When we pick up fam from the airport I go and just wait in the parking lot until I get the call to come and pick them up so we'd be in big trouble in our phones went out! I am sorry about your sister- but glad that you made it safe and sound. My folks are in FL and said the weather was lovely... here in MI we just got another nasty snow storm... Jeff told the kids if they want to move south when they're older, we'll follow them!!! ;-)
Have fun!

Laura said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe that about your phone!!! I would go to your carrier and complain like crazy!!! That is my worst nightmare! When we pick up fam from the airport I go and just wait in the parking lot until I get the call to come and pick them up so we'd be in big trouble in our phones went out! I am sorry about your sister- but glad that you made it safe and sound. My folks are in FL and said the weather was lovely... here in MI we just got another nasty snow storm... Jeff told the kids if they want to move south when they're older, we'll follow them!!! ;-)
Have fun!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Debby, so glad you made it safely. My cell doesn't seem to keep a charge very long either. A credit card for the pay phone? What is this world coming to! (Sounding like my mother). Enjoy your time with your family. laurie

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sorry about your phone. I would have been so totally freaked out!

It sounds like Florida is wonderful and I'm so glad you made it ok.

Have a blast.

Oh, and could you take some pictures of the yummy food you are eating?

Mara said...

Earmuffs might help! Although spending time behind a computer screen to visit all of us that you visit all throughout the year or spending time with your family you don't see that often? Pick the family and forget about us. As long as you tell everything afterwards though...

Liz Mays said...

That's quite a series of events since you left your house! Unreal!

Sorry to hear about your sister's slip and fall. :(

And I know what you mean about the loud tv. That makes me absolutely crazy!

Empty Nester said...

Sure hope your sister recovers quickly! I know what you mean about loud televisions- BestSonInLawEVER turns their set up so loud that all I can think of to describe it is that it makes me want to shoot myself. Have a wonderful time! And go ahead and eat some junk food, why not? It's Florida! LOL

Deborah Ann said...

Wow, you're quite the world traveler! Florida? I'm jealous...I'm sitting here in 6 feet of snow, wrapped up in a shawl and sipping coffee just to keep from turning into an icicle.

Bring some of that hot sun back with you!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I'm so very sorry you sis went down... what a bummer!!!

Enjoy the warm weather and we are all lookin' forward to seein' those pictures baby!!!

God bless ya and have a marvelous trip!!! :o)

Amy said...

Sounds like you are having a great time even though you had a bad start. Hope your Sister feels better soon. Have a great time!

nancygrayce said...

This experience all sounds completely normal to me! :) When I'm going on a trip, I always put my home phone charger in my purse, so that if I can find an outlet I can use my phone if it's dead.

Have a wonderful time with your family and so sorry about your sister!

Brandy@YDK said...

we miss you too.

consider turning your phone off when not using it - I've heard that traveling can really drain the battery because it's constantly searching for a signal and roaming.

Kristie said...

Sounds like you're keeping busy and having fun! I'm sorry to hear about your sister! No fun! I hope she heals up quickly. And the phone situation sounds very annoying! Glad you were able to make your call and get your luggage in the end :-)

Enjoy the rest of your trip!! :-) said...

Debby, I'm so touched that you took time away from the family to post a comment on my blog. I truly appreciate you and your words of encouragement. I'm feeling those prayers. Thanks, my friend.

I Am Not Superwoman said...

Sounds like a few eventful days. Found you on a blog hop. Hope you can visit sometime, when you are back home, and follow back. For now take your advice and Just Breathe. Have a great rest of the trip.

kel said...

Enjoy yourself and fill us when you get back!!

new web address for A Hesitant Housewife

Skoots1moM said...

sounds like me when i travel...something's always going to happen unexpectedly.
enjoy your time with family!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Oh Debby! I'm so glad you wrote the # down I would be that dork that didn't do it and would be almost in tears in the corner.

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, I hope it's only a week she is out of work :(.

YUMMY to all the food!

Michelle said...

WOW, You've had some time in only a few days.
I pray your sister gets better real soon.
Chicago pizza sounds good. YUM!
Enjoy the rest of your visit!

Mommyto3andahusky said...

Just found your blog and wanted to say hello and became a follower. Praying for your sister! :)

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

Oh, those pesky cell phone batteries!! Glad to hear you had the number written down so you could get a ride -- very smart of you. Hope your sister's knee starts to feel better soon, and I cannot wait to hear more about the arts & crafts fair!!! SO jealous!!!!!! Have a great time w/family & friends in Florida. We miss you! xoxo

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