Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Show me your answers! Link up with Joyce.

1. Did you know there is a National Day of pretty much everything in the universe? February 23 happens to be National Inconvenience Yourself Day...when was the last time you were inconvenienced?
I guess it was when I had to use the pay phone at the airport. Few pay phones around and way too much information needed w/credit card for a silly 50-cent call. Now if it still took quarters someone would still have a job!

2. When a room in your house needs painting who does the job?
My husband has in the past and I have painted too. We haven't painted in this house yet but want to add some colored walls in some rooms. I think we will hire someone at this point in our life.

3. Are you friends with your cousins?

Use to be years ago but no not anymore. Wish I was but hurt feelings happened years ago between the families. We are just friendly to the point of a Christmas card out of respect. I only have two cousins.

4. Do you use an alarm clock? If yes-is it an actual alarm, music, or something else?
I seldom have to set an alarm but when I do it's and actual alarm clock or my cell phone, however I ALWAYS wake up before it goes off!

5. What do you put ketchup on?
Meatloaf, nothing else!

6. What smells make you nostalgic?
I will say the first thing that popped into my head - Popcorn! My father was the manager of a movie theatre. That was back in the day when it was a pretty big deal to go to the movie theatre. I am talking about the 50's and we of course would get anything we wanted from behind the counter but what I remember most was the special big box of butter popcorn that was made for us.

7. Have you heard about the high school English teacher recently suspended as a result of some things she wrote in her personal blog? You can read the story here but in a nutshell she vented a lot of frustration onto her blog. She didn't mention individual students by name but she did make some harsh comments about kids in general and their parents. What are your thoughts-If you're a parent is your child's teacher online and are you 'friend' or 'follower' there? If you're a teacher are you on facebook and do you accept or friend students on fb? How about their parents? If you're a student are you friends with your current or former teachers online? Do any of them have blogs you read? If you're a teacher or a parent do you ever use your blog as a place to vent your frustrations with our educational system? So much to discuss...
No I didn't hear about it because I don't do the news. I really don't have an answer here but I think a teacher would be making a big mistake to blog about her feeling on her class.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
So if you are a regular here you know that my sister fell in a bathroom stall at J.C.Penny's last Friday on water. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital and was told that she had no broken bones and they suggested she see a specialist to see if anything is torn. They told her to stay off of it for a week. Well guess what, she has a hairline fracture and can't be on it at all for six weeks! The specialist just glanced at the x-ray and saw it immediately! As long as she doesn't try to stand on it she is in no pain at all. The doctor told her that once it is healed she won't even know that it happened. Of course she is feeling bad about not going to work, she manages a Hallmark store in the mall.


Mara said...

I have learnt from past (bad) experience not to blog about negatives from work. Although, having said that, I will still ocassionally vent about the negatives, but never ever including their names. Fortunately not many colleagues actually read my Dutch blog and certainly not my English one!

Mara said...

And a speedy recovery for your sister of course!

Mary said...

Thanks for the update on your sister; I was wondering how she was doing!
I think you're very smart for not "doing the news". There are too many people doing too many stupid things out there! :D

Unknown said...

Wow! #7 has to be the longest wedsnesday hodgepodge question I have ever seen. Prayers for your sis...

Maribeth said...

Holy Moly, sure hope your sister feels better soon!

Laura said...

So sorry about your sister! Six weeks is a long time! :-( I heard about the teacher's blog and while I feel that much of what she said was true and can relate with the frustrations of being a teacher I think you need to be careful of what you write always- in this day and age assume that EVERYONE will see things... that being said, I hope the parents take a good look at how they're raising their kids and the excuses they make for them and change things if needed...

CB said...

Your poor sister! What a horrible experience.
Is the store compensating her in any way?

People need to be careful what they write on their blogs and fb - seems like alot of people share too much and get in trouble!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I don't really do the news either. It's on while I'm fixing dinner, but my focus is on dinner, so I really only pay attention during the sports and the weather.

Wow, I'm glad your sister followed up on her fall ... hope she has peace from missing work for 6 weeks.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

I saw this story about the teacher, I don't get it and wonder why. I'm so dreaming about the days where I don't need an alarm, and can sleep in again, like I did at 18 lol. That being said I'll probably be up at 6am. Thank you for the update on your sister. My husband had a bad fracture in his ankle and was suppose to stay off it, never did. So now his ankle is a mess. Hope she recovers quickly.

LynnMarie said...

I guess a lot of us wake up before the alarm goes off - guess we were all well trained. Popcorn! I forgot about popcorn, I love the smell of it. Great answers.

Thena said...

Sorry to hear about your sister. Hopefully the six weeks will go by fast and everything will be fine.

Brandy@YDK said...

your poor sister. I HATE painting

Anonymous said...

Do you mean there are actually still pay phones? I haven't seen one in ages!

So sorry about your sister's accident. Tell her to enjoy her "down" time, work will just have to wait.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word...your poor sister!!! Is JCPenny picking up the cost associated with the doctors' fees? Word!! I hope she gets better soon!!

Anonymous said...

1. Did you know there is a National Day of pretty much everything in the universe? February 23 happens to be National Inconvenience Yourself Day...when was the last time you were inconvenienced?
when my plumber husband reallized our disposal is leaking and I have to find a place to put all the stuff since I have company tonight. cant use the sink.

2. When a room in your house needs painting who does the job?
Dave does, i do a little but wish we could just hire someone.

3. Are you friends with your cousins?
I wouldnt say friends but I know them
4. Do you use an alarm clock? If yes-is it an actual alarm, music, or something else?
My daughter wakes me up when her alarm goes off so momma is up with her, shes the best alarm clock filled with love and her sweet little, "wake up mommy"

5. What do you put ketchup on?
I dont use ketchup or is it catsup? next time you go to the store look at the labels some are spelled both ways. If i did i would use it on myumee meatloaf and french fries which I dont eat but wish I could.
6. What smells make you nostalgic?
ok this is a weird one-chlorine from a swimming pool, if they made a perfume i would use it, heehee

7. Have you heard about the high school English teacher recently suspended as a result of some things she wrote in her personal blog? You can read the story here but in a nutshell she vented a lot of frustration onto her blog. She didn't mention individual students by name but she did make some harsh comments about kids in general and their parents. What are your thoughts-If you're a parent is your child's teacher online and are you 'friend' or 'follower' there? If you're a teacher are you on facebook and do you accept or friend students on fb? How about their parents? If you're a student are you friends with your current or former teachers online? Do any of them have blogs you read? If you're a teacher or a parent do you ever use your blog as a place to vent your frustrations with our educational system? So much to discuss...
I think you have to be very careful with facebook, it can be a bad thing and there are certain people you should not be facebook friends with, its a no no!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Is the store going to pay for medical and lost wages is my random thought

Amy said...

I love movie popcorn. My alarm clock is my little one. Which will soon change with my new little one coming. I think it will go off more. I guess when you blog you should be able write what you would like. If you are in the public eye I guess you should be careful. Hope your Sister gets to feeling better soon. Have a great day!

Kerri said...

good thing the specialist saw that! hope she has a fast recovery!
on one hand I think it's healthy to get ur frustrations out and it's her blog/page u don't like it don't read it but on the other hand she is a professional and while it's unfair to hold them to a higher standard they still need to be professional and limit what they say and who they say things about .. maybe just limit it to "I had a bad day" rather than "timmys stupid mom yelled at me" lol or whatever haha

April said...

I love your blog and I'm now a follower! So sorry to hear what happened to your sister, but thankful that it wasn't worse. I read an article in our paper over the weekend about a lady who'd gone in for her annual physical. When they were drawing her blood, she fainted and hit the floor. She cracked her skull and now has a brain injury. So scary how things like that can happen. I really enjoyed your answers...have a super day!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

There is just nothing like movie popcorn. You were such a lucky kid to have access to behind the counter ;-)

So sorry about your sister - you just never know when something freaky like that will jump up and get you!

Caroline said...

Prayers for your sister.
My cousins and I aren't close anymore :( Kinda just grew apart.
I love movie popcorn - the best ever.
Have a good day.

Michelle said...

That's pretty cool about your father being manager of the movie theater.
It would be so cool to have whatever you want.
I might would choose a candy bar or two, but would really love the popcorn with layered butter. Yum!

I pray your sister heals soon.
Please tell her this is her time to enjoy her rest.

Katherine said...

I had a hairline fracture when I was in 6th grade. They put a cast on it. Good thing, too, because the next week I completely broke my other arm! Glad your sister is okay.

Movie Theater popcorn....the only kind I like!

Joyce said...

Oh gosh, sorry about your sister! My daughter broke her collar bone in the UK but we were originally told no it wasn't broken only to find out a couple of days later it was indeed broken.

Hope you're enjoying some sunny weather!

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

Sorry to hear about your sister. I agree with you in that I would never publish any negative comments about work.

Together We Save said...

I will be keeping your sister in my prayers.

As for the blog... I try and keep it positive, although I would love to vent about my job situation. LOL

Trish said...

I always enjoy your list of hodgepodge are so honest!
So sorry to hear about your sister being injured...praying.
Enjoy your time in Florida.

TamTam said...

Hope your sister feels better soon!
Love your blog!

Cathy said...

That must have been so cool to go to the movies all the time. I love the smell of the popcorn in a theater!

Hope your sister recovers quickly.

trennia said...

Hope your sister feels better soon.
I love the smell of theater popcorn too!..I think that's what you notice most as soon as you go to the theaters is the popcorn..yummy!

Zoanna said...

I at least hope all your sister's co-wrkers spring for lots of get-well cards for her!

I'm here via Joyce's blog. Enjoyed yoru answers.

Lynn said...

Nobody ever lets me paint--Well, maybe
the inside of the closets if it's an emergency.

xinex said...

That must hurt. I can't believe the fracture was missed at first. Hope your sister's feeling better. Are you still in FL?...Christine

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Oh no! Your poor sister. I hope she is feeling better soon, my brother is going through the same thing. It is amazing how much pain a small hairline fracture can cause.

jayayceeblog said...

National Inconvenience Yourself Day ... what a hoot!!! Love all your answers. Your poor sister - hope she feels better fast!

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