1. Can you do a magic trick of any kind? Will you tell us about it? If not.. what magic words do you know? I am sure you learned some from the movies!
No, I don't have any magic tricks. "Abracadabra"
2. Have you ever been to a magic show or watched any movies about magic? Do you have a favorite magician?
I think I have seen a magician show at some point. I've watched Chris Angel, Penn & Teller, David Blaine, David Copperfield and there have been some great one on America's Got Talent.
3. Have you ever been out on a magical date or had what you considered a magical evening?
I would have to say the 11:00 pm boat ride on the Seine River in Paris has to be the best ever and seeing the Eiffel Tower all lite up at night was stunning.
This trip was in 2011. Mark had business in Europe for 3 weeks and I got to tag alone. I did most of the touring on my own but not this boat ride and it was our Anniversary! You can see our whole trip here.

4. Holidays are said to create magic. How do you create magic during the holidays?
Decorating the house for Christmas is my magic! Did a little less last year. Here's a post to check out from 2017 and this one from 2019. Actually if you look at my sidebar you can look at several years of Christmas at our house.

Hello friends and welcome to another Tuesday 4
which is kept up in remembrance of the originator,
and our friend, Toni Taddeo.
I've never seen a magician in person but certainly have seen plenty of them on tv.
The only magicians I have seen our own America's Got Talent and the Carbonaro Effect on TV and a few of Copperfield and some of them
A boat ride on the Seine would be very magically indeed.
That sounds so neat, Debby, with the boat ride on the Seine on your anniversary!! How romantic!! I've watched magicians on TV; amazing with what they can do!
That Seine river cruise? Wow, THAT takes the cake for 'most romantic' I've ever heard! Being a realist, watching magic is amusing for a bit -- but I'm far too skeptical to really buy into it.
Oh your #3 answer is so awesome! What a great date! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.
I bet that boar ride was magic! What a special time for you two!
Oh my, what a fantastic boat ride Debby!! That is magical.
xx oo
I had some trouble posting mine.
Are we into the New Blogger?
I am a person of few words and
wish I had the wit that other
Bloggers have.
I enjoyed your answers today
and your pictures.
Have a good Tuesday.
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