Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Thank you Joyce
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1. What are some memories you associate with spring? 

I'm thinking that some of the best memories I have about Spring are celebrating Easter Sunday's.  I've also enjoyed going to see the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, CA or the Poppy Fields in the Antelope Valley. 

2. April showers bring May flowers...was that saying proven true where you live? Snapdragons, anemones, carnations, lilacs, sweet peas, tulips, lily of the valley, orchids, roses, gardenias...which one on that list is your favorite May bloom? 

We have things that bloom throughout the year but we definitely have had some blossoms on some bushes that only happens in the Spring.  

I am going to pick the gardenias because it was my mother's favorite flower. However I love lilacs but we don't have them here in Southern California. 

3. What are your top three distractions and how do you deal with them? 

TV, computer and cell phone. I don't deal with them well at all but am trying to do "less is more!" It can be so freeing yet I am so attached to all of them. 

4. Do you eat beef? In the course of a week, how often is beef on the menu? A hamburger, steak, prime rib, or a roast beef dinner...which beef entree would you choose and yes you have to choose. Unless you're a vegan, and then you may pass. 

Yes we do eat beef. I would say that beef is eaten maybe 2 to 3 times a month. Our favorite would be Filet Mignon which we had last week. We love Prime Rib but just don't have people to entertain. 

5. In what way were you creative during the month of April?

I wasn't creative but I did manage to get bags of clothing to the Salvation Army and for me that was a big accomplishment. Like I said last week, I'm in the mood to declutter. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Roxy and Gracie are becoming friends. They even played together this past weekend. We didn't see them but Adam and Gabby sent photos. 


Ann said...

Aww, Roxie and Gracie are so sweet. I had chocolate labs years ago.

Gloria said...

I could eat hamburger forever. Besides
having a burger, you can fix so many
dishes with it. I made stuffed peppers
the other day with hamburger, etc.
I don't deal with cell phones.
I enjoyed your pictures and answers.
Have a wonderful day!

bp said...

Send the decluttering bug to me! I need to do that in so many rooms.
Enjoy the rest of the week!

Chatty Crone said...

TV, computer and cell phone - I have the same problem!!
I didn't know they had 2 dogs - that is so wonderful!

Nonnie said...

Very pretty dogs and love their snuggling together. I pretty much decluttered when I moved, but there is always stuff to get rid of.

Carla from The River said...

We started to clean the basement last week. It feels good to go through and organize.
We have one section left, and hope to finish that this evening. :-)

betty said...

That is so cute that Gracie and Roxie are becoming friends. We knew they would; it just takes time :) (kind of like the first child being a bit jealous of the second child but then warming up over time :)

Good for you for your decluttering. I knew eventually the desire to do so would come to you . Its a good feeling!! Hubby keeps saying he needs to declutter his office/music room (really he needs to) but I keep telling him he'll do it when he is ready. Its all his junk (and truly 87% of it is junk) but I've learned along the way its better to keep my mouth closed. I don't dust it and he's pretty much on his own with keeping it neat and orderly.

Do they still have the Flower Fields in Carslbad?? I know some were taken out to make Legoland. They were always so pretty!

We are slowly transitioning out of eating beef but I do enjoy a good hamburger and steak here and there.

Have a great Wednesday, Debby!


Joyce said...

De-cluttering is its own form of creativity. Plus it frees up space in your home and your mind for other creative endeavors. You go!!

photowannabe said...

I truly love Spring flowers. Sweet Peas are one of my favorites but I never see them around anymore. My folks always had them growing on a trellis. Such a fragrance.
I agree that the Computer and tv are distractions for me. The time can fly by so fast.
Yes we eat beef here in this household. Dave is the red meat guy. There is nothing like a good steak and a really good hamburger....
Not much in the creativity department this month except for my Photo Club challenge...check out my most recent blog post.
Random thought..
I wish July would come quickly so my honey can put some weight on his fractured leg and we can get healed and get on with life...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

precious pups. love that photo. I eat hamburgers and do not care for meat, except of course HAM wihc is the worst one for me. my distractions are Reading, computer/blogging and the cellphone i use for some of the blogging and text with 3 people only. never use it for calls.

Mevely317 said...

So glad Roxy's coming around. Guess she figured the new kid wasn't leaving anytime soon. LOL.
My urge to declutter comes and goes. If I don't act on it when the mood strikes, there's a good chance another few months will pass.

Mary said...

I, too, feel soooo much better when I declutter!
Oh, those dogs! <3

Susan said...

Decluttering is my project before it gets to hot. Everything gets stashed in the garage. Hubby made his first trip to the Salvation Army and he wants to go next week- hint-hint! I better do something today because you know it will be hot and our garage is not insulated. The doggies look so cute!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the picture of the pups! ❤️

Spring to me is daffodils and lilacs.

Willow said...

California poppies! Last spring they were abundant! Have you seen any giant coreopsis yet? That was a spring indicator in Ventura County.
I have some bags to take to give away--thanks for the reminder!
Enjoy those poppies for me!

Mara said...

Oh those doggies are so cute!

I love carnations and actually prefer them over roses anyday. And I have a tulip tattoo, where most would have a rose.

ellen b. said...

Easter really is the best Springtime memory! Good for you for getting some bags to the Salvation Army. As I type Dear is filling the back of my car with a load to take to Habitat for Humanity. That last photo is so sweet! Happy last few days of April to you!

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwwww... Roxie & Gracie! How darling they are together!! My lilacs are just now beginning to bloom, Debby. I will forever think of you now, when they do. The computer & TV are my downfalls too. It's 12:45pm as I type this and I have yet to do ANYTHING around this house besides doing my blog, visiting other blogs, commenting, and playing a couple of my online games. Pathetic, actually! I keep telling myself I'm retired now and my time of being crazy-busy is over... but being in my nightgown past noon is taking things to a whole new level. *LOL* ~Andrea XOXO

Pam said...

1. What are some memories you associate with spring?
Best memories are being able to get out and dig in the dirt. That used to be my therapy. I love it, I could do some great thinking and planting. I could watch my plants grow. Now, I walk past what I have growing. Actually getting out and being a part of the earth is not as easy these days.

2. April showers bring May flowers...Yep pretty much. May right around the corner I will have some May flowers!!
I don't think I knew you were in S. Calif. Neat. I love S. Calif myself. Son lives in La Mesa.

3. What are your top three distractions and how do you deal with them?

Tv, computer, and the animals. How do I deal with them. Turn on the tv, keep the laptop course and enjoy the furs....haha and yes, I know that is not what you meant!

4. Do you eat beef? I AM A BEEF WOMAN! I love beef. Not a big fan of chicken, seen several shows on how they are processed and they are nasty birds. Not a fan of fish cause I had an allergy to it when I was young. But...being O positive I crave beef. I can tell when my body is yelling at me to put some beet in there.

5. In what way were you creative during the month of April?
Creative...I am creative all the time...haha...but what did I produce during April. Nothing really, however, my mind has a lot of plans.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
My random thought is a thought I have had several times in the last few days...I hate that I lived to be 61 yrs old, to work as hard as I did to retire at 55 only to live my life not being able to do what I want cause of daily pain. SUCKS.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I am so glad you seem to be feeling better. Yes, to a nice filet mignon!

Michelle said...

We eat too much beef at our house💖

Michelle said...

Cute picture of Roxy and Gracie🤗

Secret Agent Woman said...

Good for you on the bag to charity.

I would have a hard time picking just one flower, but the lilacs were recently in bloom by my front door and smelled heavenly.

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