Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4!
This week the questions were supplied by Pamela Steiner... Here we go, let's talk about Blogging!
1. Tell us about your blog. When did you start blogging?
I started blogging on April 9th of 2009.
2. What prompted you to begin blogging?
My friend Kendra at bowling was talking about it and I decided to join in.
3. What was your first blog about and why did you choose that subject/title?
Shooting Stars and my second post was about naming my blog Just Breathe.
4. How has your blog changed over time, and has it done for you what you hoped it would do in the first place?
My goal for blogging was to have a history of daily things going on in our lives. I had hoped to have grandchildren some day that could go back and read this. Thought they would get to know me better. I don't blog often anymore but I still like being here.
Thank you Anne.
To play along click HERE
I started my blog in Oct 2008 and originally it was going to be just about digital scrapbooking and photo editing. I soon realized I wasn't all that good at the scrapbooking and I didn't want to stick to just one subject. Now I'm all over the place with my subjects. I kept it up because it was sort of a mental therapy for me. It forced me to use my brain to come up with subjects and not just sit and vegetate.
I like you being here too, Debby! ~Andrea xoxoxo
I am so glad we have met here in blogland! I think it is a great place for "friends" to encourage one another and share our hopes and dreams that we HOPE our kids or grandkids might appreciate someday, but I've kind of given up on that part of it. They don't seem all that interested in what I write, so it's more for me and for my friends. I fear that the technology will change so much by the time our grandkids are interested that they won't be able to find it. I tried printing them for awhile, but that took too much ink. I save some of the better ones that have family information to a flash drive, but again, who knows if that will work in the future? So, I just do it for the current joy and pleasure of meeting friends and having a creative outlet! Thank you for being a part of my life here in blogland!!
i did my first in oct 08 but did not do another until 2009 and about the time you and ann started. I started mine for a place to put my photos, new dslr and 500 pics every week end. bob called me the MADsnapper, because i snapped a shot of everything and anything. still do. blog is now mad thoughts, mad photos, mad opinions and about whatever pops in my head. i still love it and dread the day when they are a thing of the past. i too thought my kids, family and friends would be interested. no one i know cares anything about my blog. and i wonder if anyone does because it is tit for tat, i read yours you read mine thing. and it is fading away slowly. i am not a fan of social media for some reason and prefer the blog. when it is gone i will be sad
Hi Debby:
I'm so glad we met through our blogs!
Have a great Tuesday my blogging friend.
I went back and read your first entry, Debby. I loved it! Do you still watch the night sky? I bet you do :)
Its amazing how long blogs have been around, isn't it? I started in 2005 with a lot of breaks over the years, but its a great way to meet people from all over! So glad we connected and got to meet in person :)
I played along this week too. I'm happy to have met you through blogging and I'm so glad you still stick around even if you don't blog often anymore. Have a great week Debby. :)
I'm so enjoying hearing how everybody started blogging. I'm glad you are still here.
I do not blog as much either, but I enjoy being on here too. Getting to know new friends and read what is going on in their life is so interesting to me. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.
...and I'm so glad you do!
Certainly my life would be poorer without you and my other cyber sistas.
I’m so glad your here. Have a beautiful day.
It's my first time visiting, but like you, I hope maybe some future relatives will look back over my blog and enjoy reading it.
My mom’s blog is even more precious to me, now that she’s gone. I hope my kids will enjoy mine one day.
Hi, it's cool to read from you since you and I have been blogging for approximately the same length of time. I think the blogs are a good and easy way to have a journal of things you want to keep so long as the platform continues. So many things have changed in the digital world since 2008, I sometimes marvel at the fact that Blogger still exists.
I think I started in 9/08. I still read and am toying with coming back doing a couple. I just really needed a rest. I am glad we met!
I am very glad you blog Debby. I have enjoyed getting to know a bit about you through reading your posts! Reading other's blogs expands my world!
I am happy we have met from blogging and hopefully we will meet in real person. Maybe we can meet up somewhere off La Sierra. Have a great week Debby!
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