Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Thank you Joyce.
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1. Somehow it's March? Is it coming in like a lion where you live? Tell us one fun thing on your March calendar. 

Actually I would have to say it is coming in like a Lion and a Lamb. One day it is  60 degrees and then the next day is almost 90 degrees. It can't make up its mind. 

We are planning on driving to Montana to visit with Amber, Dylan and their pup Finley. 

2. In what way(s) do you 'march to the beat of your own drum'? 

I'm not sure.......

3. The Hodgepodge lands on Dr. Suess Day (March 2nd). Do you like eggs? How about ham? Share a favorite quote from one of his books. 

I do like eggs. Ham is okay but not a favorite. I know that we had a few Dr. Suess books when the kids were young but I honestly don't remember one to share. I did go and look up some of his quotes and I like this one from "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut." 

4. Have you read Little Women? How about Alice in Wonderland? Did you love them, like them, feel just eh about them? Why is this question in the Hodgepodge today? 

I may have had to read Little Women in school but I am going to say no. I don't believe I actually read the book of Alice in Wonderland. I can say that I grew up with movies and I have seen the movies. Yes I liked them. 

I don't have a clue why this question is in Hodgepodge today. I even Googled it and some things came up but not enough for me to get the why!!

5. How do you meal plan? How often do you shop for groceries? One homemade meal that was on your menu last week or is on your menu this week?

I ask Mark in the morning what he wants for dinner tonight. What we do is go to Costco and stock up on meats so our freezer is full. So I just take something out and thaw it. I also get some groceries each week like fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, bread, etc. 

We had oven roasted chicken breasts with a vegetable last week. This week we will be having grilled  onions, colored peppers and Italian Beef Sausages which are done in the oven. A favorite of ours. We do not make the spaghetti squash listed in the recipe. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We saw James on Sunday. For Christmas in 2020 Adam and Gabby suggested we get him a children's riding tractor. We did and he loved it but he just wasn't old enough for it. Well now he is and he is loving it. Over in Orange where they live they have trees that drop spiky balls. 

So every few minutes he is stopping, picking them up and putting them in the back of his tractor. He is doing a great job of steering it. He still has no interest in the bike we gave him this year. 

Loves honking the horn!


Ann said...

I think March came in like a lamb here. The temps were pretty mild and there was no rain or snow.
I can't say for sure if I read Alice in Wonderland or if I saw a movie. I know I never read Little Women though
James is so cute. He looks like he really enjoys that tractor.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I read little women under duress from senior English teacher and did read Alice when I was young. I wonder if it is here because March is National Reading Month to honor Seuss and bothe of these are classics. Of Coourse James love the horn, anything that makes noise. if you ever get mad with your son and his wife, buy James a drum. I threatened my aunts life if she ever bought mine another drum. I would like to drive the tractor if i could fit on it

Joyce said...

In case you don't read the answer somewhere else...I had a March theme and both books have characters with March in their name : ) We are having some spring like weather, which I love, but it also means the pollen is not far behind. ugh. Hope you have a great day!

Allstarme79 said...

You reminded me we need to go to Costco and restock the freezer; I fear shortages are coming.

Carla from The River said...

We are going to Sam's Club later today. ;-)

I still have some of those spiky things from our trip to Southern California in 2011. I thought they were so neat, I picked up a bag full.

Mevely317 said...

I don't remember seeing that Seuss quote ... but I like it a lot!
James looks like such a happy child! I'm laughing at Sandra's comment about the drum. Tom used to threaten his daughter with the same 'promise.'

Chatty Crone said...

Well we are coming in like you - hot -cold - hot -cold - don't have a clue what to do with the heat and air.
James is adorable on his tractor.
I kind of shop like you do. I have the meats - shop for fresh food - and then cook!

ellen b. said...

I didn't know the significance of those books and March but there have been others who do. Our grands love their tractors! So much fun. Sounds like a fun plan to travel to Montana! Happy March to you.

betty said...

I'm glad I read the comments left by other bloggers and that's how I found out the answer to the question about why that question was listed on the hodgepodge :)

James looks so adorable on that tractor! Wait a little bit and I bet he will get into the bike you guys got him for Christmas! He just needs to do it when he is ready (as you know). I'm glad he is enjoying the tractor and of course the horn!

Our March came in as a lamb with highs in the mid 80s. I'm not complaining :)

I don't remember reading Alice in Wonderland or Little Women but, like you, did see movies of them. I wasn't really into the classics with books like these would be considered.

I do love Dr. Seuss and enjoyed reading him to the kids when they were growing up.

I like how you and Mark meal plan. Having stuff around to readily put together is a great way to plan and make what you guys want for dinner :)

I know you are looking forward to your trip to Montana!


photowannabe said...

Awww..James is darling and that tractor is the very best...what kid doesn't like to honk the horn?
I did read Little Women as a kid but really don't remember it..probably the movie is more in my mind.
I really don't have meal plans..I'm more like you and make decisions per the day and activities... I made chicken divan for dinner last night since we had family coming over. Made plenty so we will have leftovers for our hurry up and eat Friday night. We have to leave the house early for a meeting so its great to have a throw in the micro meal.
My random thought is about the little finches I saw this morning scoping out our porch's nesting time again...every year they do this, work so hard making a nest and then some bird comes along and its all on the ground..I don't know why..

Kirstin said...

Enjoyed your answers. I usually ask everyone in the family if they have anything they want for dinner the following week. If I get no answers than I decide and they're stuck with what I make..haha. That quote is a great one by Seuss. Love the tractor too.

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