1. What do you find is the most boring part of your life at the moment?
I think it is the never ending doctor's appointments. My calendar is full each month. However, after waiting for a return call yesterday I'm going to have to say waiting for the doctors office to call you back.
2. February 22nd is George Washington's birthday. You'll find his face on the US $1 bill. What's the last thing you bought for roughly $1.00? (.94 €/ .83 £)
A mango.
3. Is it ever okay to tell a 'little white lie'? Explain.
I'm not a fan of doing that. However, sometimes, especially with a young child, you have do a little bit of that at times.
4. What's the last thing you 'chopped'? Cherry pie, chocolate covered cherries, a bowl of cherries, cherry vanilla ice cream, maraschino cherries, a cherry lifesaver...your favorite cherry flavored something?
I can't come up with anything. I am not into the cherry flavor. I did chop up some cooked chicken breasts to use in Tacos.
5. Describe yourself with three words using your first, middle, and last initials.
D - Dedicated L - Loyal P- Personable
6. Insert your own random thought here.
We had a Golden Eagle in our yard the other morning. He stayed there for at least an hour or more. I did not see him when he flew away. I just love nature.
Good job on the initials, I thought that was a little hard to come up with...you did good. Love the photos of the eagle. Stay safe in those storms.
Wow an eagle! We never see those, just hawks.
The eagle is amazing! We will sometimes see an eagle in our cove, once he landed on our dock roof but he didn't linger. How special to be able to really get a good look at yours! Good luck with all your appointments!
WOW, Debby, that is so cool to have the Golden Eagle in your yard.
I liked your D - Dedicated.
xx oo
That Eagle is magnificent isn't it? Wow.
I totally agree with waiting on doctors, either in person or the dreaded call-back. At least we have our cell phones now and don't have to wait around the house waiting on The Call.
Boring...paying the bills
I guess sometimes it's ok, especially with young kids..lying always seems to get one into trouble..better to not do it at all.
I chopped my left over chicken for a casserole last night.
S- simplicity E-(love to) entertain B- it seems every word I came up with was negative or definitely something I am not...so...BOO I can't find a word for me...
Going to the lawyer today to update our Trust and will...
It's something everyone should do while the brain is still working.
I've never seen a golden eagle up close and personal, Debby. What a treat for you! Two birds of pray that will show up in our yard are barred owls and hawks.
Nature is the best, I agree. When I'm feeling stressed or out-of-sorts all I need to do is go outdoors and sit quietly, listening to all the sounds. So relaxing!
Nice to visit you today!
That's amazing to have an eagle so close!
I love that eagle and your view!
I would have to say every part of my life is boring any more. It's a never ending cycle of work, home, work home.
Little white lies are ok for things like surprise gifts and things like that.
The last thing I chopped was an onion. I don't know that I've ever chopped anything cherry.
Good job on your initials. I can't think of anything for mine.
How wonderful to have a golden eagle stop by! Looks like he was taking in the gorgeous view you have. :-)
Dedicated L - Loyal P- Personable - absolutely yes.
Me - I do white lie sometimes - I hate it - but I just hate to hurt people's feelings you know.
I like the words you picked to describe yourself. Very nice. So cool to see that golden eagle. You have a nice view, too.
Hi Debby, I enjoyed your pictures. Stay safe in all this rain.
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