Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? What's one you think holds truth? 

This is a hard one for me to answer. I had to look them up. "Don't judge a book by its cover" and "Every cloud has a silver lining"

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen?

Nothing is coming to mind other than a fingernail....LOL! 

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had a s'more this summer? Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'

Yes, I do like s'mores. I have not had one this summer. I'm drawing a blank on wanting s'more of.

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? 

I've never been on a cruise ship and I have no desire to do that. 

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu?

I have some wonderful memories hanging with Adam, Gabby and James. Obviously going and visiting Amber,Dylan and their dog Finley in Montana was a great memory.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Speaking of Montana we had a nice drive other than some rain we hit going home. Pictures of the road trip coming soon. No pictures of Amber and Dylan. Amber wasn't in the mood and Dylan was working a lot. He had time off the week before when we were supposed to go originally. 

We have decided that when we travel again we will drive there in 3 6 hour days instead of 2 days. One being 8 hours and one being 13. During the pandemic I had issues in Salt Lake City with the altitude. However, we decided to try again this time and I was fine.

The trip went well. We didn't do much. Amber wasn't in the best of moods so we watched a good amount of TV and ordered food several times. She likes doing that when we are there. We did go out for a nice steak dinner one evening when Dylan was home. 

We also got hooked and a show called Alone. We are watching it on Hulu but I believe that the show is from the History channel. We are addicted. We also watched some of the 20/20 murder shows. Amber loves them.

We also went to a few stores while we were there. Mark likes to buy bullets there since they cost less and there is no sales tax in Montana. We also went to Giant Springs which is lovely. You will see it in my photos.

We went to see the neighborhood where they are buying a townhouse which should be ready next year. They call it a townhouse but it's actually a duplex with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a 3 car garage. It has a lovely floor plan. We didn't get to see one in person because the model was already sold. 

Enjoy the rest of you week. Thanks for listening. 


MadSnapper said...

It makes good sense to take 3 days for all those miles. I am not sure I could ride 6 hours, even one hour now has me hardly able to walk when we get out.
glad you could breathe well at the high altitude since that means you are some better. the only question I can answer is the cliche.
I find that all cliches have true meaning like, chip off the old block, and a fine kettle of fish, two that I use a lot. I stopped and looked up the top 20 cliches and they all made sense to me.

Joyce said...

If you're not in a rush taking three days for that kind of trip is smart. I'm glad you were able to see your family, even if it wasn't quite the visit you were hoping for. Have a nice day Debby!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'm really looking forward to seeing your photos, Debby. Blessings for a great week!

Mevely317 said...

Amber and Dylan's new home sounds much like what I owned in Tarpon Springs (but only a one-car garage). I, too, love the 20/20 murder mysteries but have never heard of Alone. I need to look for that on History!

Cathy said...

The older I get I don't like the all day drives and would rather split like you guys are. I need to check out those shows. Hope you have a great day!

photowannabe said...

Yes, the older we get the more appealing split day drives become. Its more fun to see the sights along the way too.
Love s'mores though we haven't had any in a long time.
I think I say every cliche there ever was..The sayings seem to fit the occasion perfectly.
The month of August has been difficult for us but I have to say that getting a haircut and perm after 2 1/2 years was a highlight for me. I have cut my own hair but it finally got to the point that I had to have it rescued. It sure felt great.
Thanks so much for your love and concern. Eric's passing is so sad and I hurt for his wife Karla and son Ian.

Ann said...

Taking 3 days to drive to Montana sounds like a good plan.
Sorry to hear that Amber wasn't in the best of moods. But I'm glad you did get to spend some time with them.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

If there is no rush to get somewhere, why rush, take your time and enjoy the journey

ellen b. said...

We've been watching Alone since the first season. I'm wondering if we'll know who perseveres the longest on Thursdays episode. That is a good plan to make that trip in three days instead of two. I hope you have a good Labor Day Weekend.

Pamela said...

I enjoyed reading your post. We have driven from coast to coast three times now and I always try to make it so that we don't have such long days in the car. Good plan to break it into 3 days.

Jennifer said...

Oh my - I do not think I could survive a 13 hour car drive. Eight (maybe nine) is my max! And that has been awhile. I enjoyed stopping by and reading your HodgePodge answers!! Have a good weekend -

Carla from The River said...

Hi Debby, we always broke our trip down in days as well when we traveled to Great Falls. We would stay in North Dakota.
I just talked to Bobby Jean the other day. She is doing well. She has lived in Great Falls for 32 years now!! :-)

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