Thank you Joyce.
1. What's one task you'd like a little Christmas elf to sneak in and take care of tonight?
He is welcome to do our tree and put out other decorations in the house. More on that later in this post.
We actually did Elf on the Shelf with James on Thursday and Friday night last week. Also there house is decorated beautifully.
2. What's your biggest challenge during the holidays?
I love decorating. It takes time but it is my favorite thing. I guess maybe getting out the Christmas cards and packages to be mailed out of town. I have a large priority box and 5 priority padded envelopes to be taken to the post office on Thursday. Cards were mailed on Monday.
3. Are you a cookie baker this time of year? If your year had to be summed up in the shape of a cookie cutter what shape would it be?
I used to be and I did plan on making a few things this year but currently I can't. I hope to make some Muddy Buddies and we will do the Bohemian Hoska.
I can't think of a cookie cutter but I do love a snowman. Maybe that is me this year! Can't move or do anything.
4. Santa likes milk with his cookies. Do you like milk? What kind of milk is on tap in your house? (whole, 2%, skim, almond, oat, etc). What's the last thing you made that called for milk?
I do like milk but normally don't drink it. The last time I did I seemed to have issues with itching. I have some small milks in the fridge for James if he comes over. I've used almond milk but haven't had any in awhile.
Mark made some bread that needed milk in it.
5. Share one favorite line from a Christmas carol or holiday tune?
Several are going through my head right now but I can't seem to pick one out.
Actually one just came into my head. "The little Lord Jesus Asleep on the hay"
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I know you must be tired of Debby Downer but things are not good at this time. You may have seen some of this on Facebook.
I was called about my ankle with the woman telling me they didn't find anything, Then when we got home from Adam and Gabby's we had a phone call from the doctor at urgent care. I have something called Avascular Necrosis. It can come from too many steroids.
"Early on, there may be no symptoms, but as the disease progresses, you may experience pain, especially when putting weight on the affected joint. Other symptoms include limited range of motion, limping."
Apparently this may have been something that was happening with my ankle a few years ago and I've been getting the steroid shots in.
This happened after my last shot and how I ended up at Urgent Care. I trusted my rheumatologist. So I need to see an orthopedic surgeon. It is my right ankle. I have an ankle brace that is helping but the ankle hurts and they want me to keep it elevated.
Well that sucks for this time of year!!!
To make matters worse, because of the ankle, I ended up falling on Adam's brick stairs to his porch on Thursday when we went to watch James. I have an ugly tear below my left knee, so both legs are in pain at this time.
The sore is healing okay, however, we are not sure if we should have gone to urgent care about this but we didn't. My skin tears easily because of the drugs I take and the steroids over the years with my lung infections. There is no way that it could have been stitched. It is way smaller and still needs to scab up a little more.
So my depression is deep and I find myself crying all the time. Yet, I keep telling myself to be thankful, things could be worse. However, Christmas at our house is a bust when it comes to decorating. We will put the tree up but I doubt I will get ornaments on it.
Adam and Gabby understand. They will be coming over the weekend before Christmas for dinner and for James and I to do his Gingerbread house.
Big hugs to you Debby. I know this is hard and it's a real challenge when we have always done and enjoyed things a certain way. I pray you can find peace in the stillness and joy in time with your family. The gingerbread house sounds like it will be fun. Keep that ankle up and watch some Christmas movies and know it's okay not to have the house decorated. xo
Prayers lifted for your healing and peace, Debby. I know this is so difficult for you, especially at Christmas.
Just one more thing to add to your list and I don't mean shopping list. so sorry to hear this, and yet another appt to fiddle around to get it scheduled. I am still waiting to get my appt with surgeon. prayers they will not take long and for healing of the cut you got. at least you have James coming over to cheer you up. he is so joyous. hang in there and keep trying to kick the nasty depression to the curb. feeling your pain and sending hugs
I'm sending a big hug from Alabama!! I'm so sorry. I get so annoyed when my body betrays me. I hope you get relief soon and I hope you enjoy building the gingerbread house with James.
Oh Debby, I'm soooo sorry to hear this. Thank you for the detail. I don't understand all the 'med speak', but I'm glad you've a referral to a specialist. Please don't worry about the decorations -- everyone's will be gone by this time next month anyway!
Hi Debby,
I am sorry to hear this. I know how you love this season and want to decorate for James. Yet... it is better to get Grandma healthy so he can enjoy having you in his life... and that is what he will want more than decorations.
LOVE YOU!!! Carla
Oh Debby, this makes me so sad. Praying things will get better and the pain will get relieved asap. I do understand about Christmas decorating etc. Ours is looking about the same.
Hugs to you.
Hi Debby, I am so sorry to hear you fell, and your ankle is worse. If I could drive, I would go over and help you. Good that James is going over to make his gingerbread house. Follow your doctor's orders because your health is important. Hugs
I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. It seems like they could have warned you about getting all the steroid shots and what it could do. Sorry to hear about the fall also. You need some good luck to come your way.
PLEASE send the elf or make that elves! I went into my bedroom yesterday and was doing a deep clean. Base boards, above the doors, cleaned out clothes from drawers and closet for spring yard sale, and then bam, I felt bad. I went and laid down a bit, then felt really bad so I took my temp and it was 99.1. So, I still have to dust under the bed, vac the room, and mop....oh and dust furniture. SEND the ELVES!!
Hit enter to send that last message before I was finished, sometimes I just get ahead of myself. I am sorry you feel bad. I hope you are up and about and that ankle is better soon. Just keep in mind, you will be better by Christmas so think those happy thoughts and wash the depression away. Yes, I know, I hate advice like that when given to me, but I hope that you are able to chase the blues away soon.
Well, it isn't that you haven't been struggling for months now and now this - from a treatment supposedly to help you with the other.
I am so sorry. I can see why you are down. I will continue to pray.
James of course is a doll. And don't worry about making cookies this year. I do remember when you made all those and that braided bread.
I hope that you will go somewhere for Christmas, or it can be brought to you.
If I don't take my anti-depression meds I take everything personally and become emotional and cry all the time, I start to blame myself for anything that goes wrong. Reminding ones self that things can be worse is at times easier said then done
so very sorry to hear you are still in pain. This is why I denied yet more steroids for my spine issues. I will only take natural supplements. I will pray healing Scriptures for you and pray that you REST in HIS Peace.....drawing your inner strength from the One who brings us that peace that passes all our human understanding. I know about pain. It's no fun. Rest up and don't worry about the house......
I'm sorry to hear about this, Debby. At least they are coming to your house and don't mind.
All your goodies look delicious.
I'm so sorry this season is not going the way you would like for it to be. I am with you. I'm on a knee scooter and want so much to do the things I usually do (just like you) but I can't. So the steroid shots caused the problem? Ugh! I'll be praying for you!
So sorry you are struggling. Hang in there and praying an extra blessing for you even this week!
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