Wednesday, October 24, 2012


It's number 99!
Have you joined in yet?
What are you waiting for....number 100!

1. So, do you like beer?
Beer is okay but I really only get a taste for it on a hot summer day.

2. What's your least favorite repetitive task?
Changing the sheets.

3. When was the last time you rode a bus? Where was it headed?
We took the shuttle bus at the airport to the rental car place and also road a shuttle bus twice from the hotel when we were in Chicago. Not exactly the same as a bus across country but it's all I have. We went to Arlington Heights Race Track and the place where the wedding/reception were held. 

4. What song from your childhood or from your own children's childhood could make a parent's nerves stand on end?
All the comes to mind is The Wheels on the Bus.

5. The US Presidential election cycle is drawing to a close (can I get an AMEN??), and the third and final debate was held last night...what was the last thing you 'debated about'?
Debating over email with my brother about how my mother died. He will not tell his doctor that our mother died from a massive heart attack, her father died from a massive heart attack and that our dad had a stroke at 63. He thinks she died because she drank and was taking a mild antidepressant. Then he will say she fell and hit her head.  Had nothing to do with the fact that she was obese.  Her death certificate didn't say head injury or drug overdose. I'm not saying those items wouldn't contribute to her poor health but he is wrong. He was comparing her to Elvis. Huge difference!

6. Can a person make too much money? How much is too much?
I don't even want to go there.

7. Pop-soda-coke-something else...what's it called where you live?
I don't know what they say here but I call it soda. I grew up saying soda. Maybe coke sometimes but either way I don't drink any of them.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Here I was thinking that I never see any political ads for the presidency because I either have Showtime, HBO, TMC or STARZ on during the day and all my evening shows are taped on the DVR so I fast forward through the commercials. Well guess what, I would be wrong about that.
Mark explained to me that California is a Democratic state, always has been always will be. Obama doesn't spend his money with ads here and Romney doesn't spend his money here because he will never win the state. However we do have the ads for the propositions. Thought I would share that important information with you because I knew you've been wanting to know. So no complaints here about political ads! 


Deb said...

We get the ads here in Texas even though it is a republican state...I don't like beer... Havent had a coke/soda in 15 years

April said...

Maybe I should pick up and move to CA...I can't take political ads! We have them here in GA. and thay've been showing for months! I will probably be singing "Wheels On the Bus" all morning long now! Ugh! ;)

Secret Agent Woman said...

Although I prefer wine, I do love a nice cold bottle of beer. especially with things like pizza.

Soda. And I rarely have one.

We get ads all the time. I don't watch TV so I get to miss those, but I change the station on the radio when they come on.

Cathy said...

Wheels on the Bus...didn't think of that one...but now I'll be hearing it in my head the rest of the day...haha

Joyce said...

I'm not seeing a lot of Presidential ads, but we do see the senate race adverstising from four states-ugh. NJ, NY, Connecticut, and PA all run ads in our area since its so compact.

Have a great day!

Miss Debbie said...

My last bus ride was 4 years ago when our office took a trip to Nashville to stay at the Opryland Hotel and see the sights. Our boss (the doctor) treats us to a trip every few years and that was a nice one. I had been to Nashville before, but that hotel is something else!!

LynnMarie said...

We have ad here all day long for everyone!! And if that wasn't enough we get phone calls, posters, flyers it will all be over soon thank Goodness!! I put Wheels on the bus as well.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

You don't get ads for the state or regional candidates? I've seen very few commercials for the presidential race (and then only ones for Obama), but we're inundated with commercials for local candidates. In fact, we get twice as many since we're so close to Missouri and our local stations are all out of St. Louis, so we get a lot of commercials for Missouri races as well as for Illinois. Ugh!


I went with Joyce on the Barney song...but I had forgotten about the Wheels on the Bus....groans....

Formerly known as Frau said...

I forgot about wheels on the bus..omg that might be in my head all day!! Drats! Happy Wednesday!

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm thrilled not to see political ads, they just piss me off.

Tami said...

I think you should email your brother. If those conditions run in your family, then it becomes a health issue. He cannot be in denial and run the risk regarding his own health.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I'll keep your brother in my prayers :(. I hope he lets the doc's know it's just good to be on the safe side.

love the wheels on the bus!

Theresa said...

Oh yes The Wheels on The Bus, that one sticks in my head.

Kristie said...

I don't like beer ever-lol! I've tried and I just don't care for it! My parents did bring a raspberry beer back from Belgium that I liked, but it didn't really taste like beer either :-)

We call it 'pop' here :-)

nancygrayce said...

Your brother sounds a lot like one of my brothers! I call it denial......our dad died from heart disease.

Hate beer.....well, to be fair, my mama told me it tasted like horse pee when I was a child :) ......wonder how she knew!

I call it diet Pepsi and unfortunately I am addicted!

Chatty Crone said...

My least favorite chore is putting away the dishes - I hate it. And I can't say much for beer either! lol

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

I need to move before the next election-too many ads here in Virginia-ugh
Prayers for your brother.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Well, Louisiana is getting your fair share of political ads for sure. I have not thought about The Wheels on the Bus in years and years. How funny! Happy day!

xinex said...

I don't like changing sheets either and I don't drink beer. I cannot stand the smell...Christine

betty said...

We're getting campaign ads for some of the closely contested races like for mayor of San Diego and some council seats. I'm going to be ready to have the election over just to get rid of the ads.

I would think your brother would want to tell the doctor cause of death and health history for your mom and grandparents since it does affect his family history and genetics.

I'm with you too about sheets; it is so hard to get them lined up right, etc. All day project sometimes :) (not really, but it seems like it :)


Jhona O. said...

Changing the sheets! I forgot about that chore...yes, I find that is something I try to have others do, ha ha!

Nani said...

I'm jealous! In Ohio, coveted swing state, we are drowning in political ads! There are more from Romney because he's got more money...but maybe because his ads make me want to throw the TV out the window and that sick negative feeling sticks with me. We've recently gotten gun nut ads telling us how important the presidential election is. I think it's because there's been no talk about guns and they feel left out. I'd love to be in a state that gets left alone!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I say soda. And I like it Diet!

I just hate changing the bunk bed sheets - they are such a pain!

Liz Mays said...

You are so lucky that you're safe from the onslaught of political ads! I'm jealous of that!

I can't stand unloading the dishwasher.

Together We Save said...

You are so right.... Wheels on the Bus can be very annoying. And I can not stand the taste of beer.

Sweet Tea said...

I grew up in Okla and everyone there says "pop". Here in Louisiana they say "Coke". ;-)

Stephanie said...

The last time I took a bus was in Paris! Le Sigh, I want to go back:)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Fun stuff to learn about you.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I'm woth you about changing the sheets. I hate that and Inhate folding them......Have a great rest of the week Debby. I always love reading your answers

Laura said...

I so can't wait for the election to be OVER! We have one proposal that is really important for me as a teacher. Some of the ads have been so ridiculous it makes me sick. If my Tigers weren't in the World Series I'd be able to avoid them... not a bit TV watcher...
And I can't stand changing sheets either ESPECIALLY on Joe's new loft!! :-P

Mara said...

The last time I rode a bus? I have to think about that one. Probably a few months back. The last time I drove a bus? Easy: last Sunday.

I do agree with you somewhat about the song 'the Wheels on the Bus'. If the children are old enough they should be singing other songs, but kindergarten age is fine. Besides, there are a lot more things the bus does: the wipers of the bus go back and forth, the doors on the bus open and close, the people on the bus wave and wave, the lights on the bus go on and off, the hooter on the bus goes toot toot toot, the engine of the bus... (I am getting annoying now, I will stop!)

Mary said...

I've only seen a few ads about Obama/Romney here, possibly for the same reason as Ca., only we're a republican state.

Jenny said...

Pop! It took me years to figure out what soda was!

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