Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Thank you Joyce.
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1.What was the best (or one of the best) summers of your life? Tell us why. 

This is a tough one to answer. I am going to go with our trip to Europe in 2011. If you look at the top of my page you can click on Europe. We were there for 3 weeks. It was a business trip for Mark and I went along. I did most of the sight seeing by myself. It was fabulous!! I want to go back. 

2. When you have a trip coming up do you make a list and check it twice to ensure you don't forget anything? Or are you a 'throw whatever you can think of into the suitcase at the last minute' kind of packer? When returning from a trip do you unpack immediately or leave the suitcase right where it lands? 

Yes, I definitely have a check off list for the house and the things I'm going to pack. I couldn't do it any other way. No, I would never throw things in a bag unless it was an emergency. We just got home at 3:30 yesterday from Montana and I unpacked my bag right away. 

3. What's your favorite food or beverage made with lemons? Is that a flavor you enjoy?

I do love lemon but normally I just put it in my water.  

4. When was the last time you had to make lemonade out of lemons, figuratively speaking I mean? 

Well, I'm not going to go into details but I could say that about our trip to Montana. Nothing different from other times but I do often have to make lemonade out of lemons. It is what it is. 

5. Did you like school growing up? Why or why not? 

I think I liked school except for going to kindergarten. This is a long story. I did not want to go to kindergarten. I put up a good fight. The principle took me around to see my brother, sister and my cousin in their classes. The nurse used mercurochrome and put pictures on the top of my hands. 

I have to say that my mother was an alcoholic so my younger years are not in my memories very well. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We got home yesterday afternoon from Montana. I will have to write my post as soon as I can. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now. 


MadSnapper said...

I have never had a good summer that I remember, summer is my least favorite of the seasons and the only answer would be, is I despised school and having 3 months off was good. I liked school 1st through 6th grade and then every year I added I disliked it more. my answer on 2 is exactly same as yours. I love lemon and all things lemon, lemon meringue pie, lemon cake, lenmon ade.

Chatty Crone said...

That sounds like a wonderful summer - three weeks in Europe!
And I make a check list too, but we do not travel as much as you do. I like lemons, but they are a bit too hard on my stomach if I eat them too much. I know exactly what you mean going on a trip with family and making lemonade out of lemons. teehee
I am sorry about your past. That had to be tough. You were probably scared to go to school as that meant you had to leave your mom who you might have wanted to protect. I loved school.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

We always have a list for when we travel, Debby, and I'm one of those who likes to unpack when we get back home - all that laundry - LOL!

Mevely317 said...

Sandra's first 3 lines might have come out of my own mouth! Like you, I've always been a list-maker ... down to Q-tips and safety pins. (OCD much?) I miss having the opportunity to travel, but I'm glad to hear y'all made it back safely!

photowannabe said...

oh phooey, my entire comment just went into cyber space. I will have to come back later and try to do it again..

Lisa K Thomasson Jung said...

I went to Europe the summer I graduated from college. But would like to go back .

photowannabe said...

Welcome home. Glad you made it safely and will enjoy hearing all about the trip.
Summer always brings memories of vacations when I was a child and our vacations with my hubby and boys.
I definitely am a list maker. What we will need and what needs to be done...paid..etc. before we leave. Always try to unpack and get the washer going unless it's so late in the evening.
Love the flavor of lemon and usually have it in my water.
I pretty much lied school growing up. Some years were harder than others and some teachers were the pits. thankful for the friends I had in school too.
Wow, I found my comment.

photowannabe said...

Loved ... not lied ...haha

Debby said...

Can't wait to hear about Montana.

Joyce said...

I remember your trip. Wow! We've been blogging a long time lol. I hope you had a nice time in Montana. I know there were some snags along the way, but hopefully the visit was good. Glad you are safely home!

Ann said...

I really can't think of one summer that stands out from the rest.
Whenever I've gone anywhere I've always made a list of things that had to be packed and then I probably checked it at least a half dozen times.

bp said...

Hello, Nice to visit you today.
I always get lemon in my water too, I forgot about that answer!

For the summer that stands out, none from childhood I remember anything specific about. The summer of 22 after Caleb graduated and we went to Alaska is one I'll always remember.

ellen b. said...

Your trip to Europe sounds great. Welcome home from Montana. Sad story about you not wanting to go to Kindergarten. Sounds like the staff were very kind in trying to make you feel better about it. Take it easy and rest up!!

Carla from The River said...

Hi, I am excited to hear all about your time with your Montana family. :-)
I enjoy lemon in my water too.

CheerfulMonk said...

I hope the trip went well. In spite of the Covid detail and your son having to go back to work.

R's Rue said...

I love reading your answers.

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